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Parking Lot Concerns

We recognize that there is not a lot of parking in the area for parents, but we continue to see (and hear of) safety concerns with our front parking lot. Please note the lane in front of our school is for student drop off and pick up ONLY. There are signs posted all along this area as well as painted on the pavement. Please do not park in this area waiting for your child at the end of the day as this prevents traffic from freely flowing through. The area is like a drive thru and needs to be treated accordingly – traffic needs to be kept moving through the area at all times.

We are also kindly reminding drivers of their speed. Many members of Cedar Grove get to school/work by walking, skateboarding, or cycling. Please use extra caution and keep the speed down. Kids on bikes can dart out very quickly!

Please note the following rules:

  • Only pick up and drop off children in the pick-up/drop of zone in front of the school, not in the middle of the road and not in the staff parking lot
  • No 3-point turns
  • No U-turns
  • Do not wait or park in the drop off/pick up only zone